
Life Jokes

The Good Old Days > You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle-aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for in later life.

COBRA GRINDSET OF THE DAY: Depression isn't real. You feel sad, you move on. You will always be depressed if your life is depressing. Change it. Bitch!

there's two reasons guys will hang themselves from the neck one is to escape the worthless masquerade of a life we pretend we have and the second reason is to wack off

Literally every movie:

"I love you" "I love u too"

My life:

My 'friends': "Hey, Hailey likes u!" Him: "wtf I have a grilfriend sorry not sorry" His friends: Spreads the word throughout the whole goddamn country". 😶

When I die I what to have a piece of paper near me giving a clue on how I died, like, "I want everyone to miss me except for this bullet," or," You didn't hang with me but guess what did?"