Pornhub suggesting me MILF on Mother's Day...
My wife told me she’ll slam my head into the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer.
I’m not too worried—I think she’s jokingdkdkslalkdlkfjslfjslksdlkfjuahehwhgwdklaljdf.
Y'all, I'm suspended till Wednesday and can't do much cuz I'm on a tablet, not my computer. Tell autterpop I won't be on till Wednesday or after.
Listen to the autism song on TikTok.
Dumb person: Wat idk mean?
Person 1: I don’t know.
Dumb one: Oh u don’t know okie I ask Googol.
Person 1: Wait idk means--
Dumb one (to Googol): WAT DOS IDK MANNN?
Googol: I don’t know.
When you tell your Roblox girlfriend you’re breaking up with her, and then 10 seconds later you hear your uncle crying in the other room.
Putting WiFi in the morgue to enable live streaming.
What do you call a sneaky SCP-096?
The Spy Guy!
My parents found my YT channel. I hate myself now, and I'm emotional.
Stephen Hawking never used a condom. He used a firewall.
I made a website to adopt orphans. But there is no home page.
I felt bad for a dog and u look yo my left and the was a orthin and I said I will make you a web site and I said there won't me a homepage
Me: Hey Siri, did you know Candice died?
Siri: Yes, I was informed she died from sugondese.
Me: What is that?
Siri: Sugondese nuts.
1 like = 1 kid in my oven. I'm trying to get followers and comments, please.
You are so adopted that you don't have a home button on Google Maps.
What site does a vegetable go to when he/she is stressed?
One like = more from me to you. 👊
"If your enemy is kicking your ass, blame it on the lag."
-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
1 like = 1 more child in my fryer.
Follow for candy, kids.
Like for pizza, kids.
Comment for kids.