
Imagination Jokes

Ninety percent of your beauty can be removed with a Kleenex Oh were you talking to me I thought you only talked behind my back Hold still I am trying to imagine you with a personality

Riddles not jokes

What has 4 legs but cannot walk?

What has bark but no bite?

There's a one-story house in which everything is orange. Orange walls, orange doors, orange furniture. What color are the stairs?

What has holes but can carry water?

What is in front of you, but cannot be seen?

What is something you have inside you that is pink, but cannot be seen?

What can you catch but not throw?

and last one

What can rule, but not command?

Tell meh the answers in the comments

like 90% of this was from this link:

1 more thing: DoN"t google it or search it up, use ur brain to answer these.

Imagine if on April first the government says hahhaha you all fell for it covid19 is fake we actually killed all those people lol

so once upon a time there was a man who lived in his house with his wife

he got up to go out to work and closed the front door behind him

not even 4 seconds later he came back inside panicking, saying "there's a rabbit with a gun outside!"

the wife replied "oh don't worry rabbits don't have guns they can't shoot people- you must be imagining things"

the man calmed down for a few minutes, and after some reassuring, he eventually decided to try to go back out to work again

so he stepped outside the front door and the rabbit shot him

If I could be any creature, I would be a Unicorn because they are Beautiful, Majestic, Sparkly, Bright, Gods, They create Joy and Happiness everywhere they go. Unicorns made my life better when I got to know them more, ^-^ they filled my life with more Happiness, I believe in the Unicorns and they'll believe in me, I am not a Unicorn although I am the Princess of the Unicorn Land but if I could be any creature I would be a Unicorn! :P

imagine the russians showing up late to the 1917 revoloution with a tsarbucks in hand. they were late so I guess they weren't russian. They were probaly stalin.

Mom: you need to grow up. your so immature

Me: *glares* get out of my castle ....

Mom: it's a pillow fort

Me: why cant i have an imagination!?

Mom: your almost 19 years old

Me: not good enough ... OUT!

Imagine someone leaving a cut-out of jeff bezos on your car after you found out your blind bf cheated on you and the mcdonald's employee says over the speaker, "Weren't expecting him to see other hoes were you?"

i saw a kid in a wheelchair and i screamed EXTREME PARKOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!

imagine if the kid in a wheelchair was in fast and furious his wheelchair is the only one that keeps him going