A man with 20 dollars walked into Dave & Buster's. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands. He walked out without any clothes but still has his money.
Why can't the toilet paper cross the road? Because it got stuck in a crack!
A good bath is like a dead lover.
You can enjoy them, that is until they get too cold.
Why didn't the toilet paper cross the road? It got stuck in a crack.
What did the pot say to the kettle?
"To lick the s*** spoon."
John took a bath with bubbles.
Bubbles was a man.
Is it just me, or when you wipe your ass too deep, it reminds you of your uncle? Just me?
Mikey don't clean his foreskin dude straight gay.
Confucius say, "man who go to sleep with itchy bum, wake up with smelly finger."
Why is there no open hunting season on hippies?
Have you ever tried to clean one?
What's the difference between a hippie chick and a hockey player? The hockey player showers after 3 periods.
Why was the homeless lady only wearing one sock?
She started her period.
Yo mama is so nasty, she buys sex toys at the second-hand shop.
"I'm sorry," the doctor says, "you have a rare and very contagious disease. We must quarantine you, and you'll only be fed cheese and bologna."
"Will that cure me?" the patient asks.
"Well, no," the doctor replies, "but it's the only food that will fit under the door."
What does the cannibal do after he dumps his girlfriend?
He wipes his butt.
What do cannibals eat to freshen their breath?
Men toes.