What is common with dark humour and unvaccinated kids? - Neither do ever grow old.
Humor is like skin; the darker it gets, the less people like it.
Your hairline is so far, too far, even dark humored jokes are scared of it.
There’s nothing funny about orphans, right?
Well, I guess that depends on your sense of humor.
You know you have twisted humour when you crack a smile when a minecraft farmer says he separates the white sheep from the coloured ones
Dark humour jokes are like water, some get it, some don’t.
What is the difference between a feminist and a gorilla? At least gorillas don't abort their own.
Spend all night in a dark humour webpage
Go to orphanage today and read it to them And I'm sure if you go to school for disabled children, they should understand it
It was just a prank, and stop calling our humor "plane." In our opinion, it's fire.
What is the difference between a priest and a zit?
The zit waits until your twelve to come on your face
whats it called when a black person makes a joke? a joke, you racist. jk, dark humour
Why don't orphans get offended by dark humor jokes?
It can't hit home.
Bro my friend told me all his humour is dead and dry and i was like just like 911 victims.
These people who are offended by rape jokes don’t even understand humor. They think of humor as like a happy thing because humor makes us laugh and laughter makes us happy, but most of the jokes that we laugh at are filled with pain and suffering. If I take a joke like, how many police officers does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just beat the room for being black. Now that joke isn’t making light of the fact that people have marched in the civil rights movement and people have been racially discriminated against. It’s not making light of those, what it’s doing is it’s taking that pain and suffering and making you transcend it for a moment, and showing the absurdity of the human mind, and that is important. Humor at its best takes the bad things in this world that are painful and hard to deal with and makes it something funny.
And before you go in the comments and say I agree with rape, I don’t. I hope everybody who rapes someone to have their dick cut off. My little sister got fucking raped when she was six, and the guy is lucky he got caught by the police and not me, cause if I caught I would have fucking killed him, so I don’t agree with rape, but I still think rape jokes should still not be taken so seriously!
Rape Humour is not FUNNY. Like if you agree.
Dark humor is like a kid with cancer.
It never gets old.
i am dark humour
My sister asked me what is dark humor. I asked what does a cannibal call a pregnant woman? "Kinder Surprise!"
My friend has a dry sense of humor.
Probably because her body was decomposed ages ago.
My humour is so dark that its life matters.