Do you know the best thing about killing a hooker? Not only do you get your money back, but, the second hour is free.
What does a hooker and butter have in common?
They both spread for bread.
Being a hooker shouldn't be illegal. It's like having an Airbnb for your dick.
How are Xbox servers like hookers? First they take my money, and then they go down on me.
What’s the difference between a hooker and a cat? I haven’t banged a hooker.
Q: What do Moses and hookers have in common?
A: They've dealt with a burning bush
What do hookers and porn stars have in common? They get paid for sex and get STD's
What did the hooker say when she found out the cash she was paid with for services rendered was counterfeit?
I've been raped
My girlfriend left me today for spending my own money. What a bitch I spend a fair amount of money on her for her clothes and airforces but as soon as I spend a $100 on hookers she leaves me
Why did the hooker fall in love? Stockholm syndrome
What's the difference between a hooker and a burrito? I don't eat burritos
How many dicks can fit inside of a hooker? I don't know ask your wife
When you find out the stripper your banging is a hooker but you're saving money so it's ok
How many hooker's fit in a Cadillac? About 4 in the trunk if you stack em right
How do you know the hooker killed herself? She sniffed the line off the dresser you said not to touch
What do a bungee jump and a hooker have in common? They’re both cheap, fast, and if the rubber breaks, you’re pretty much screwed.
what do both a hooker and a customer have in common, they come onto each other
What did the leper say to the hooker? "You can keep the tip."
Whats the best part about a dead hooker? The second hour is free!
The real dead hooked joke is on all of us from the Fraser Valley in BC, you know damn well each and everyone of us ate that Pickton hooker Pork. Concidering it stretching from the 80's-2000's pretty sure he got 4 generations of Valley folk with that Pickton Pork.