What is the definition of "Endless Love"? Answer; Helen Keller and Stevie Wonder playing "Tennis"!
What did Helen Keller's mother do to her when she was mad at her? She left the plunger in the toilet she put door knobs on all the walls and she rearranged the furniture
“Your mother has been with us for 20 years,” said John. “Isn’t it time she got a place of her own?” “My mother?” replied Helen. “I thought she was your mother.”
Who was the meanest man in the world: He raped Helen Keller and threw her down a well but not before cutting off her fingers so she couldn't yell for help.
Why were her hands purple? She Heard it Through the Grapevine
Helen Keller deaf-initely faked it!
Why did Helen Keller fail school she was bad at language
Helen Keller is so Helen Keller-y that nobody will be as good as Helen Keller.
Helen Keller once dated a brick wall.
Helen Keller threw the garbage out and broke a vehicle.
How did Helen Keller die? Her ex gave her plutonium and told her to eat it
What was Helen Keller favorite game when she was a kid I spy
Playing hide n seek with Helen Keller wasn’t the best idea you’ve had all day
Why did Helen Keller’s dog run away?
You’d run away too if your name was afjlkawihrs gdfn wjasidphbfvnas icxhuvbjsdlk m.nd;fuoxcghkfjckoSZ: lF,.XMAVUDOXICUGJNWLFXCMV CKLSAXHV IJADHXC;IVKSA.
Why does Helen Keller hate the national anthem?Oh say can you see
Helen Keller could Fuck a blind man so hard that she Ends up with his child.
Helen Keller is the kind of person to ask you what the time is.
I told this knock knock joke to Helen Keller...
Me: Knock Knock Her:
Why doesn’t Helen Keller go to the optometrist?
Because she’s dead.
Why doesn’t Helen Keller go to the beach?
Because she can’t hear the sea.