Why does Stephen Hawking always say he's got got so many bitches Because he is never around siri
What do you call Stephen Hawking on Mars? Mars Rover.
What do you call Stephen Hawking's wife? Siri.
Why is Stephen Hawking going to hell? Because it's a stairway to heaven, not a ramp!
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite shampoo? Head and Shoulders.
Steven hawking walks into a bar oh, wait he doesn’t walk
have you ever walked into Stephan hawking house? no neither has he
Did you hear that Stephen Hawking wrote a new book? It's called "Around The House in Eighty Days."
What is Stephen hawking favorite lunch-eggs and shoulders.
What's Stephen Hawking's favorite meal?
His shoulder.
It's funny how Stephen Hawking sounds like Stephen walking or Stephen talking, but he can't do any of those things.
What happens when Steven Hawking dies?
Take his iPad to Cash Converters.
What's Stephen hawking favourite food - meals on wheels
Who's never the last man standing---Steven hawking
Stephen Hawking is a real stand up guy, outSTANDing performance.
Imagine Stephen Hawking was the real Slim Shady but could not stand up.
Where was stephen hawkings during the house fire... the top of the stairs
Stephen Hawking walks into a b... nevermind.
What does Steven hawking eat for breakfast his shoulder
How do u know Stephen Hawking is having a seizure?
He spills coffee on his iPad.