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Me: Good night, everyone.

My friends and family: Night.

Me: *gets in coffin*

My family: *stares at my friends* You aren't going to do something?!?

My friends: *to my family* Nope, this is normal.

Why do so many people get charged with rape? Because they are too stupid to finish her off and bury the body.

What do you do if you see an Indian woman getting raped? Nothing, since raping is a normal everyday part of Indian culture.


Why are bald people very easily manipulated by a shower?

Because when they take a bath, they get brainwashed!

They told me a mask was enough to get into the supermarket.

They lied, everybody else was also wearing pants.

Q: What's the difference between an apple tree and an orphan

A: Apples get picked😱

What kind of birthday cake do you get on September 11th?

Three small ones, so you can have a flight of different cake flavors!