What's the difference between a feminist and Hitler?
Both were good at starting wars, only difference was Hitler knew when to kill himself afterwards.
What's the difference between a feminist and Hitler?
Both were good at starting wars, only difference was Hitler knew when to kill himself afterwards.
What kind of experience does a feminist have?
Being a bitch.
Why don't feminists like to eat hotdogs? because they remind them of men's dicks
Whats the difference between a feminist and a pencil? One of them has a POINT:)
A feminist asked me how I view lesbian relationships. Apparently "in HD" wasn't a good answer.
What's the difference between Hitler and a feminist?
At least Hitler actually did something
What do Communism, Socialism, Feminism, and fascism all have in common? They are all disabilities
Whats the difference between an elephant and a feminist? The feminist is overweight
What's the difference between a feminist and a pig?
There isn't one they are both the same thing.