Sticks, Stones, and Offended Feminists

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but there will always be something that offends feminists.




This is a cynical and somewhat offensive take on the idea that feminists are easily offended. It plays on the common saying about sticks and stones to make a joke that is somewhat controversial.

Comments (9)

you dirty good for nothing unoriginal bastard!!!

Shut the fuck up you piece of feminist shit go fuck your lesbian girlfriend and die you human dumpster.

Keep up the good work

good joke btw I dont think the first comment was serious but it was definitely a stupid comment.

Is that even clever tho? It makes no sense, and isn’t even a dark joke... it’s just a hater spewing random insults, trying to recruit lackeys to support his massive ego.

Bone? Probably can't get a boner though Hahaaa