my "friend" has dyslexia
my friend asks me what does idk mean i said i dion't knowm my friend says you mean i don't know i said thats what i said
"A dyslexic atheist lies awake at night wondering if there really is a Dog."
myles parfitt ;/
I cant splel spele pels slepe splel ellpas[a[dpa[pw[paew[pfopaojf[apdkoc[asndcsdokd fkuc
When dose a dyslexic person no when they've spelt their address wrong when ordering online when It fails to turn up
A man walks Into a bar and orders a cardigan and soke
Once asked If I played Scrabble being dyslexic I asked Is It was the standard version or the deluxe dyslexic version
My middle name Is Brian I was so proud of being able to spell my full name till someone pointed out Johnny Brain Walker was Incorrect
Once at school, a teacher thought I was Russian why do think that I said the teacher replied because you're reading from Right to Left
I'm dyslexic my sister was reading, whats the book I asked, she showed me the cover you reading The Scared Bull, she started laughing no The Sacred Bull
Rory burrows is dyslexic
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Wee dyslexic boy and girl in class. Wee boy says"Can you smell gas?? Wee girl replies"I canny even smell my name"
A dyslexic guy walks into a bra!