
Dead Jokes

Obi wan be like to earth maul lightsabers are blue lightsabers are red I cut you in half why the fuck aren’t you dead

The Britain’s walk in the house of the alcoholic grandad they ask Mary the mum why she had blood all over her and she said someone dropped the butter they walked into the living room and Thomas was dead on the floor

my bother went missing 5 years ago he also supported TRUMP he is currently dead in my basement in a chest in a cupboard

Mom:You can't die in the living room david so you can stop stabbing and shooting yourself David:I will surpase kakarot Jordan:*dead on the living room floor

when you have a box of dead babies in your garage and one of them is alive at the bottom and has to eat its way out but goes back for seconds.

Hey Siri, what’s in my bank account? You stupid shit, piece of elephant crap, you’re so ugly that when you were born, your nickname was bastard! You’re so ugly, that your crush fainted in front of you and was proclaimed dead! You’re so ugly that- (Destroys phone cutely)

What's Osama bin Laden's favorite song?

Under The Sea!!!!! Under The Sea!!! - The Little Mermaid

Get it ;) Dead ass motherfucker