I would roast you but burning trash is bad for the environment.
What does Kim Kardashian and the ocean have in common?
They both have plastic in them.
Keep the planet clean. It's not Uranus.
what does a lesbian and a sea turtle have in common(the both choke on plastic)
Why are cigarettes good for the environment? They kill people.
I don't have a carbon foot print, I just drive everywhere.
What is the difference between white people and coal It’s bad for the environment to burn coal
There was an oil spill in the ocean. Now the ocean can't Sea!
How do you clean the ocean? With tide
What’s the difference between Texas and Flint, Michigan? Nothing no one cares how much Lead is in the kids
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
This joke includes potentially sensitive content.
I don’t have a carbon footprint. I just drive everywhere.