Kidnapping is just surprise adoption, congrats! You are now all my children! Just hop into the portal that leads to the Lust ring in hell-
What do you call a orphan running to home.
He couldn't find home.
How are orphans and blind kids similar?
They both have never seen their parents :)
"Stop telling these orphan jokes!! Maybe some people that read these are orphans!"
I'll stop telling orphan jokes when their parents come back.
A little girl was sitting with some other kids, she thought to herself, I want to have kids when Im older, at least they’ll have a home, parents, and hopefully a dad that actually came back with the milk!🤣🤣
Children, and your meat are actually quite similar. At first you seem weirded out by spanking it, but later on you start to enjoy it.
Guess why alout of orphans were in Home alone because their family left them
Why don't Orphans go to the shops because when there mum leaves shes never coming back
Orphans are just wannabe children they want a family
How many children can you fit in a box?
Maybe five if you have a trash compactor.
Why can an orphan never get picked up?
Because the white van did not come that day. HAHA BIG LOL
stop telling orphan jokes before they tell there parents o wait they dont have any please continue
why cant orphans go to the hospital? because it is a family hospital ( sorry for the long breack in between my jokes i just had some family stuff but i am back
What does the SpongeBob intro and a pedo have in common?
Are you ready, kids?🤣
There were 1 mom and 3 kids. The first kid comes up and asks why is my name daisy? The mom says because when you were born a daisy fell on your head. The second kid asks their mom why is my name butterfly? The mom says because when you were born a butterfly landed on your head. Then the third kid yells ahjoejienfkef. The mom says shut up brick!
What’s a depressed kids favourite game....hangman.
Why do Orphans play Sims? because they can make themselves a family
Ring.. Ring.. Yes this this is Dave from the Orphanage, you make em we take em, how may I be of service?
why do Asians abandon their children
there bad at math
so imagine bulling an orphan so bad they cry and then you say "what are you gonna do tell your parents?"