
Cheese Jokes

About the guy who gave Stevie Wonder a cheese grater.... He thought it was the most violent book he'd ever read....

What did one cheese say to the other cheese?

"Hello, its a nice day, do you have any plans on what your going to do?"... The other cheese was taken back by his politeness and friendliness, they agreed to meet again, and were soon married and lived happily ever after. Let this tale of the two cheeses inspire you to be a better person.

Ah you wanna read cheeseburger joke for ur friends to hear. Nah bro you just going to get cheese on ur burger

Heres some of my weird jokes: What are rhinos? They're unicorns that let themselves go. Joke # 2: Why do triangles try every angle of it's house? Because it's in its name. Joke # 3: Wanna hear a cheesy joke? Sorry, the mouse got to the cheese 1st.

I have an account at the website Memedroid.

My name is J0K35FromWJE

Feel free to follow me, and I WILL upload to Memedroid ( I might not upload daily)

I will still make jokes here jlyk (just letting you know)

Ok heres ur joke now.....

What did one pizza say to the other when they were in bed?

Can I have a PIZZA that ass?

🧀:C’mon tomato!

🍅: I’m trying to ketchup.

🧀:You’re a mile away.

🍅: I am a tomato! It’s not that easy for me to ketchup.