Bully Jokes

When you see an orphanage bully remind them that no matter how powerful they are they will never be as strong as their dad's..... Oh wait they don't have a dad

The kid in the wheelchair was getting bullied so I encouraged him to stand up for himself idk why he started crying

I was an orphan as a kid but I have never had a bitch so I asked this cheerleader to homecoming and she said "Mofo you are only coming to hoco because you need a home to go to"

How did people bully Helen Keller? They said "Wow, that was the coolest thing ever! You really should have seen it!"

there was a kid being mean to a kid at a orphanage the kid said stop but the mean one said what are you going to do call your mommy

Tip for Kindness for the day.

Tip one. Always speak up for your self. Yes, letting someone else speak up for you is nice but also speak up for your self be brave if a mean bully comes along. Speak up for your self and others if they need it. Best-Gwen

Unknown be like: Wah wah I'm too scared to talk to girls in real life so I bully random tweens I find online to make me feel better...what a shame.

A kid named billy get his lunch money stolen at school. The bully later gets his allowance, the lunch money and his wallet taken by his father. The father then gets all the money taken from his by the bully’s grandfather along with is own wallet. The grandfather then takes the money and gets it stolen by billy along with his own wallet.