Why cant orphans play baseball?
They don’t know where home is.
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they say boo colorado rockies .
What did the baseball player say to the bassist. Nice base line.
i made this up
i was watching a school baseball game, and i was yelling at a kid to take it home, he took the bat and threw it, and then ran away. i asked the teacher/coach what the problem was, and he said the kid was an orphan, and i started laughing so hard
later that night i wondered where he stormed off to after he thew the bat and i thought to myself not home
What is a difference between a tree and walk walk home from a wheelchair
My cousin really loves baseball He always Brags about how many home runs he hit in the minors
Why can't orphans play baseball? Because they don't know where home is!
Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!