Why don’t orphans and Chinese kids play baseball. The orphans can’t find home and the Chinese kid will eat the bat.
At baseball practice...
"Hey John, did you bring the bucket of balls?"
"No, but I got two right here."
why was the bad baseball player so good at bowling?
He kept making strikes.
I tried making an orphan baseball team. It sucked because they couldn’t find home plate.
Why are the Chinese bad at baseball?
Because they ate all the bats.
Why can't orphans play baseball?
Because they don't know how to hit a home run.
What's the difference between an orphan and a baseball player?
The baseball player knows where home base is.
Why are orphans so bad at baseball Because they don't know what is a homebase is.
Why cant orphans play baseball
Cuz they don't know where home is
What animal do you always find at a baseball game? A bat
Why do orphans never play baseball? Cause they can never get a home run.
Why couldn’t the kid play baseball because he couldn’t find home
What do you call 2 Latinos playing baseball hwone on hwone
how are a orphan and baseball different from each other
a baseball game there is a home run
why cant a orghphen play baseball? Cus he cant get home
What did the baseball ⚾️ say to the bat?
“We should touch base”
Why are orphans bad at baseball? Because they can't hit home runs.
When you go to a baseball game and they say, "Heads up!" and you put your head up, and the ball hits you in the head.
I was at a baseball game and I was wondering why the ball was coming closer And then It hit me
What do cake and baseball have in common?
Both need batters