What do My Balls and EMOs have in different ? ...Nothing they both hang themselves...
What was Michael Jackson's favorite flavor from Ben and Jerry's? Schweaty balls, or if your Michael Joseph Jackson, tiny balls.
I caught a cold, Mary earps caught the ball, what did the towers catch? The plane
ligma is a disease so does that mean ligma balls
me rn “yo yo yo for pre k I went to kiss a school” my friend “whatiskisma” me “kisma balls!”
why cant orphans play base ball ? because they have no home to fun to
i kicked a ball at the kid in the wheelchair and now were playing rocket league
why do midgets giggle when they run? because the grass tickles there balls
If I'm holding a cricket ball in each hand, what do I have? A really fucking huge cricket.
What kind of ball does amy rose like? Blue balls.
balls in jack, jack has balls in his mouth.
You so tall you can go see God but your so tall your balls got small
How much balls do you have on your body 2 your butt
hello everybody its me mariplier and today im goin to be balling at freddys
What separates snowmen from snow-women? Snow Balls