
Back Jokes

Ok so I have a joke for you,go look in the mirror and when you realise come back to me and tell me.

A emo man asked a librarian for a suicide book she said no because you wont bring it back

-the emo went 2 give the tree a high 5 but the emo was left hanging - how did the gay person die? homocide -why did the emo get kicked out of the amusement park? he was cutting in line - when does a joke turn into a dad joke? when it leaves and never comes back -I cried when my dad chopped onions. onions was such a good dog -I have happy memories building sandcastles with my dad, until my mom took his urn away -how is the person over there different the cancer? his dad didn't beat cancer

I hope u like this it took 5 minutes to make. what's_up also has good jokes to favorite him/her/them plz

Why do orphans like boomerang more then there parents? The boomerang comes back

One day I saw a kid cry so I go. Let's go find your parents. I miss my job at the orphanage

why do orphans get lost on boats? They can't find the home room

When i was in middle school i was on my bus and people were doin hairline jokes and i heard this guy say "Your hairline goes back to..... uhhhhhh..... 2042?

I saw this one quote of the people who smile the most are covering the most pain I think this is true just not with everyone. As I am really depressed and act like myself with my friends but with my parents and family I force a smile so they don't worry more than they do. I did a test for my therapy session to see what level of depression I had. It came back with severe 22/24 but I asked her to tell my mum it came back as moderate saying I would tell her that my depression got worse she went along with it but I haven't told my mum and I know make things sound like I aren't as messed up as I truly am to my therapist

i went in a swim in the river that crosses mexico and i seen a mexican aka a wet back swimming across i ask he said imma wetback

there was a kid and a historian in a museum about ww2 and were looking at hitler in a car doing the nazi salute. The kid said, “why is he putting his arm in the air?”. The historian said “indicators on cars didn’t exist back then so he’s probably saying take the third reich