Do you know why I don't like stairs? They are always up to something. #dadjokes
Why couldn’t wheelchair Harry Potter go to Hogwarts?
They had no wheelchair ramps or elevators...
I don’t like stairs. They are always up to something.
Which room is the safest place in the house?
The living room.
Why didn’t the girl like stairs?
They were always up to something.
What goes up and down but stays in the same place?
The twin towers are like genders, there used to be two of them.
Why is it called a building if it's already built?
What did one wall say to the other wall?
Meet you at the corner!
Why was the staircase so sad?
Because everyone walks on them.
What did the Arch bridge say to the Truss bridge?
"I Truss-ted you!"
I hate stairs, they're always up to something.
Why should you be wary of stairs? -- Because they are always up to something.
I have a phobia of over-engineered buildings.
It's a complex complex complex.
I believe a lot of conflict in the Wild West could have been avoided completely if cowboy architects had just made their towns big enough for everyone...
The thing I don't like about shopping centers...
When you see one, you've seen a mall.