What do you call environmental conscious Mexican A Green bean
Health feed fights grand gucxsrdcjcgfdz taxicab heaven reflection during harvesting
Two windmills stand at a farm. One asks the other what is your favorite kind of music. The other windmill replies, I'm a huge metal fan
What's white with black spots? A cotton field from above.
What is the toughest thing about living a vegan life?
Getting up at 5am to milk the almonds.
What do you call a united cow?
United Steaks.
how to solve world hunger and over population?
A farmer artificially impregnated a cow, the cow said to another cow, "it's a miracle, I'm pregnant." the other cow said, "that's impossible it's only us cows in the field you must be joking." The first cow said, "nope I'm serious... no bull."
As a lifelong farmer, I was excited that Ligue 1 was moving up the UEFA ranking toward an Industrial Revolution and I can finally leave the farm. Alas, Pessi joined and we went down a rank because he is so finished. Shame on you Pessi, now I have to go back to shoveling cow shit.
What do a blonde chick and a field of wheat have in common?
They're both bound to get plowed at some point in time.
What do a pimp and a farmer have in common? They both need a hoe to stay in business
How did the farmer find his lost cow? He tractor down.
Why don’t cows have any money?
Because farmers milk them dry.
Why did Ms. Grapes 🍇 want to marry Mr. Grapes 🍇?
Because she loves raisin kids.
Where were the first orange trees 🍊🌳 planted?
In Orange County.
What is purple and whines when it’s squished?
A bunch of grapes! 🍇😂
Why were parts of the soviet union that had more industry than agriculture occupied during WW2? They couldn't beet the Nazis. bud um ching
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field.
I guess that corn is a-maize-ing.
Why shouldn't you tell a secret in a corn field? Because they are full of ears! Now that was a corny joke. And yes, it was rather a-maize-ing