Yo mama so fat, I took a picture of her and she was on both sides of it.
yo mama so stupid that she had an appointment with Dr. Pepper
Yo mama so fat, a bombing and 89 stories didn't kill her.
Yo mama so dumb, when she looked at the light, she said, "Why is the sun so close to me?"
Yo mama is so dumb her reflection said who are you
Yo mama so dumb she plays Pokémon and doesn’t catch any
Yo mama is so ugly, if she got a pound for every boy that found her unattractive, boys would find her attractive.
Yo mama so fat that when she looks in to a mirror it always shatters,because her weight could be felt all around
Yo mama so tall she eats paramedic
"Parademics are so bad, yo mama can't stop!"
Yo mama so fat I bet that her fart can clear a room in seconds
Yo mama's so skinny that when she walks outside, she floats to Heaven.
Yo mama is so fat that when she was at school, they needed a satellite to take her school photo.
Did you know that if you go into an orphanage and tell them a yo mama joke they won’t get it.
Yo mama is so skinny, she makes friends with a snake.
Yo mamas so dumb she thought Bruno Mars was a planet
Yo mama is so fat, that when I unfollowed her on Instagram, my phone got 1 GB of storage.
Yo mama so Fat that she broke the chair by sitting on the chair
Yo mama so fat she needs to go to the gym
Yo mama's so fat, when she fell I didn't laugh, but the sidewalk cracked up.