Yo mama's so stupid, she frickin' died at the Super Bowl!
Yo mama so fat, I have to take a train, 2 buses, and 3 airplanes to get on her good side.
yo mama so fat she ate mcdonald
Your mama is so nasty. She showed up to red lobster with her own crabs.
Yo mama so ugly, when I put her next to a naked mole rat, it said "bluetooth connected."
Yo mama so fat she stepped on the scale and it said a.k.a ' error
Yo Mama's so fat... whilst she was walking the streets of London, she accidentally bumped into someone, and that someone yelled, "Stupid American!"
Yo momma is so ugly, she made my Happy Meal cry.
Yo mama so fat, when God said, "Let there be light," He was just asking her to move.
Yo mama so fat when she sits down, she sits next to everyone!
Yo mama so fat, when she went to a dating service, they ended up matching her up with Pittsburgh.
Yo mama so fat, she fell off the judgement room and broke the 7 layers of hell.
Wait, this is the category "dick." Sorry yours isn't long for yo mama to get fucked up.
"Yo mama so bad we gotta switch to yo papa."
Yo mama so dumb, when the bartender said "beer is on the house" she grabbed a ladder.
Yo mama is so clumsy, when she had her first kickboxing lesson she kicked herself in the testicles...
Yo mama is so dumb, she spent all her money on free subscriptions...
Yo mama is so dumb, when she had a brain scan the result was 404...
Yo mama is so ugly, when she went for plastic surgery they accidentally gave her face a Brazilian Butt Lift...
Yo mama is so dumb, she sits on the TV and watches sofa.