Okay, 19 dollar Fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes, I’m giving it away. Remember: Share, share, share! And trolls: Don’t get BLOCKED!
What is monkeys favorite position? Donkey Kong
I just reached 10 million pounds in euro truck simulator, but its not even close to what Rakhmat akilov achieved
Tushar’s fortnite skills
Yo mama, why do you have to jump in the pool as soon as I can find the water on Mario? I mean, Mario jump to Mars!
What do call six gay men going in a war?
Rainbow Six Siege.
What do you think about the game "Fortnite?"
Player in baldis basics says why are you bald? Well I have cancer. Oh good for you
What is a type of cancer that:
Affects you Is caused by a device Annoying People won't stop talking about it?
Easy, the answer is Fortnite.
sike i likeed your minecraft account is mine
Why can't orphans close their video games?
Because they can't find the home button
It’s like Sonic always says, “If you’re ever bored, punch an orphan. What are they gonna do, tell their parents?”
Why is it so punny when Sans tells a joke in the evening?
Because a SANSET is happening.
Why doesn’t Ganon search the web very often? Because there’s too many links.
What Minecraft mob do autistic people relate to the most?
The Enderman.
Bro why does Ohio look like fallout 4
why didt the orphan not play video games with his friends cuz his parents wouldt let him
Tilted Towers is gone.
whats the diffrant between stephen hawking and rocket league you cant stand up