Ur Jokes

whats worse bieng loved or hated? cuz when ur loved you could be left alone or be batrade. but when your hated no ones there to leave you. what do u think?

Mom:i was an orphan once,The kid:oh ok idgaf,Mom:and ur gonna be too! :),The kid:ok idga-WAIT WHAT THE FU-

*P.O.V orphan wanting to go on school trip/camp* Teacher: “can I have ur parents signature? It isn’t filled out.” Orphan: “um yeah.... That’s gonna be hard....” Teacher: “why?” Orphan: “I just have to find them first....”

My friend txted me and asked me "Hey. Whts ur favorit emoji?" I said "😬😬😬😬😬😬😬" She said "why?" I said "Cause its your twin"

what did the flower say to the crazy penut?

Ur going nuts boii get back on yo' plant ur to nuts for me