How do you put an end to MeToo? Just fill those combined showers with transgender women
what do you call a transgender person? Nintendo switch
Why did the transgender man only eat salad? Bcz he was a her before.
If emo grass cuts itself for you, then what do transgender picture frames do?
What do you call a group of transgender women..? X-Men.
What do British politics and transgender people have in common? - Both aren't what they used to be...
What do you call a transgender in a wherlchair An autobot
Transgenders! Men in disguise!
If you are a girl and your favorite movie as a kid was Mulan, they successfully made a man out of you.
what do you call holly and elenji
A couple
man says "what's Ligma" woman says"Ligma balls" baby says :nothing she transgender.
what do u call joey in a room...... transgender
They are making new versions of the Star Wars films. The names have only just come out. There is Star wars Attack of the Trannies, Star Wars The Trannie Awakens, Star Wars Rogue Trannie, Star Wars The LGBTQ Strikes Back and then there is Star Wars The Last Striaght Man.
what did mrs hotdog join after mr hotdog joined lgbbq+? the lgbbq++ premium
if ur fat and transgender, then would you be considered transfat?
Conservatives hate Barack Obama and transgender people for the same exact reason.
They hate change.
It would just be easier to be a gay guy, instead of a gender fluid bisexual
they found out that michael jackson was transgender, he went from he/him to hihi
Oh my god, she hit me with a bat,
Cause she was transgender.