What did the trans woman say after finally telling her parents about her surgeries?
“It felt really good to get that off my chest.”
What did the trans woman say after finally telling her parents about her surgeries?
“It felt really good to get that off my chest.”
How do you restrain a straight person? Give them a straight jacket.
How do you restrain a trans person? Make the trans vest tight.
If you are fat and transgender, then would you be considered trans fat?
I think the military shouldn’t allow trans people, because all they'd do is switch sides.
Why do trans women make the best golf course grounds staff?
They’re enthusiastic about getting rid of unwanted balls.
What’s the difference between a crossdresser and a trans person? About 3 years
I used to date this girl only to find out she's a guy.
I guess you can say she had me in a trans.
If you're fat and transgender, then would you be considered trans fat?
Jack is a loser and a gaybo and a trans and a fanny face.
I have a lot of respect for trans women.
That surgery takes balls!
If you're fat and transgender, then would you be considered trans fat?
a man comes to a bar and has a drink then his bully came to him and Stoll his drink then the bully asked "what wrong" the man said that "I trying to kill myself I try getting hit by a Tran but the train went on the different track then I try to jump of a brig but I fell on a bot full of pillows then I try to Posen myself " then the bully say "then what " then man replied you just dunked it "then the man left.
If you're fat and transgender, then would you be considered trans fat?
Hi guys I am Logan Taub the toad, I just want to say that by cock is so so so tiny. It could fit 50 times in the crack of my butt chin!!!!! Also I am trans👍
Why do trans women go by she/her? Because if they went by her/she they'd be chocolate