Hi guys, I am Logan Taub the toad. I just want to say that my cock is so, so, so tiny. It could fit 50 times in the crack of my butt chin!!!!! Also, I am trans👍
Logan Taub's Tiny Cock
Explain Bear
Listen up, genius! This dude, Logan Taub, is makin' a joke 'bout his tiny pecker. He's sayin' it's so small, it could fit, like, a bunch of times in his butt chin crack. And then he throws in that he's trans. It's supposed to be funny 'cause it's, like, unexpected and self-deprecating. You probably have a butt chin, too. It's called a bifid chin. It's caused by the incomplete fusion of the left and right sides of the jaw during fetal development. Now, try to keep up!
Galia Tog
hey that's me