Where did Sally go during the bombing? Everywhere!
What's worse than Sally in a trash can? Sally in thirteen trash cans.
Who are the fastest readers?
911 victims. They went through 88 stories in 7 seconds.
9/11 was just a really intense game of Jenga.
ddlc be like: "you kinda left her (sayori) hanging" And Yuri TOOK A SEAT.. On the floor. And died The end.
How do you spell racecar backwards?
How do you spell racecar sideways?
Paul Walker's death.
How did Princess Diana cross the road through the windshield
So there was a school shooting in Florida. Why didn't the shooter just go to Disney?.......sorry, I just work there and I'm trying to get people to come on down.
Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle?
Because his wife died.
What do you call an asian kid who's bad at math?
An orphan.
What do you call a kid with no friends?
A Sandy Hook survivor.
Why is America bad at chess? We already lost two towers.
How did they know that Princess Diana had dandruff?
They found her head and shoulders in the glove compartment...