I would make a joke about 9/11, but it has a tendency to crash and burn.
Imagine working at the World Trade Center, only for Osama bin Laden to call and ask if he could crash at your place.
Osama's aim was horrible. One of his angry birds missed and hit a field in Pennsylvania.
The British equivalent to 9/11 would be a big red bus crashing into Big Ben.
What does Osama bin Laden have in common with Spongebob?
Both can be found at the bottom of the sea, filled full of holes.
What is Osama bin Laden's favorite football team?
The New York Jets.
Osama Bin Laden is his name.
Crashing planes is his game.
Bin Laden promised 76 virgins to Al-Qaeda.
Instead, there was one 76-year-old virgin.
9/11 wasn’t a terrorist attack, it was the world’s introduction to Sky Football
What is the difference between the Twin Towers and feminism? The Twin Towers were destroyed by terrorists, while feminism was created by terrorists.
What's a terrorist's favorite car? A Porsche 9/11.
What do you call a suicide bomber under the water?
A bath bomb.
What was the first thing that went through the 9/11 victims' heads?
Their ankles.
The Twin Towers should've known they were gonna get hit when their mom said, "Here comes the airplane!"
Why did my dad cross the road?
To get to the nearest building so he wouldn't die in the crippling smoke of the most terrifying and only terrorist attack on American soil.
What do you call a terrorist in a wheelchair? A TANK
What are the similarities between a pedophile and a 9/11 plane?
They both came from behind and crushed them.
Why was the twin towers mad? It ordered pepperoni pizza but only got plane
What are the similarities of GTA V and 9/11? A plane can be stolen and crashed into a building by a bunch of terrorists.
Osama bin Laden rated America.
He gave us a 9/11.