
Suicide Jokes

If I place a slide on the edge of a cliff or a really high building, would going down it be considered suislide?

Asking for a friend.

My friend told me to “hang on” when I told him I wanted to kill myself. Buddy I’ll be hanging for sure, just you wait

(A man is walking on a bridge and sees a lady over the railing)

Man: Ah.. suicidal eh? Are you gonna jump? Lady: Yep. I hate this world. Man: Well, if your gonna die, can we have sex before you jump? Lady: Hell no! You creep! Man: Ok, fine. I guess I'll just wait until your corpse washes onto the shore..


My mom tells me when I get into an argument with her that she brought me into this world and she can take me out. Some times I wanna tell her that I can do that for her.

I've realized that suicide would solve all my problems.... ...if I could just get the right people to try it.

Today I gave a blind kid a gun and told him it was a hair dryer. The police thought it was suicide since I have no fingerprints, wow I’m so nice taking care of the disabled

I once heard my dad shout I'm going to be like frozen and let it go then I heard a gunshot