I saw my sister sucking a big toe
Why did the penis go fly?
Because a girl sucked it to hard it went flying away
i hate this website it sucks like if yoy agree!
Gay people would suck at war.
Damn Americans, they fucking suck at Clash Royale.
i suck on cups so START RUNNIN CUPHEAD
Why do orphans suck at homework. Because they don’t a home
Anthony Blinken's life sucks, and getting COVID-19 positive is the only positive thing that ever happened in his entire life!
She'd suck my dick and let me suck her tits
dezz nuts bell suck and she ugly
My mother caught me jerking off and she told me to leave it out. I didn't know what she was doing but she grabbed my cock and started sucking. Then I found out on porn she was doing deep throat.
A couple of weeks later my dad caught me jerking off, I thought he would deep throat, but he just walked up to me and slapped my boner. I cried for 5 hours. Luckily my mum gave me a sloppy joe afterwards.
Suck on deez balls
why did ur dad FUCKING LEAVE U he went to suck balls What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?
She gagged.
Have you learned SoDN in chemistry? It's so hard.
What's SoDN?
Suck on deez nuts.
me: what is the different off ur mom and a mouscito. friend: let me guess they both sucks u.
Me be straight and bored.
Goes to my local bar which has a glory hole.
Out up spending the rest of the night there.
About to leave when, motherfucker, I realize I've been sucking a guy's cock this whole time.
How do pedophiles get kids to suck their d**k?
They spray paint it like candy 🍬.
Why did the NBA remove the glory hole from the men's locker room?
Too many black basketball players sucking too many white cocks before the game.
Why can’t you play games with cats? Because they always ‘cheetah’. (This joke sucks ik 🥲)
What would a heterosexual woman that is a whore do for $500.00 that a gay man would be willing to do for free for a heterosexual man at a glory hole? Suck his big cock