A blind man had an argument with a man in a wheelchair. The man in a wheelchair made fun of him saying, "look, there's a spider." The blind man simply said, "Step on it."
What has eight legs and leaves kids alone? The Jackson 4.
Guy: "Can I tell you a joke?"
Spiderman: "Yes."
Guy: "You only have 11 months on your calendar."
Spiderman: "Why?"
Guy: *holds up knife* "Because I murdered May."
Why would an orphan be a good Spider-Man?
Because his parents will be far from home.
Kid: *runs down the street* HELP ME!
Officer: You OK, kid?
Me: Don't worry! He's my nephew, there was a big spider.
Officer: Oh, OK, ma'am. *walks off*
When officer leaves:
Me: *gets whip* What did I say about leaving the basement?
I asked the orphan if he wanted to watch all the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies with me, and he started crying.
What’s worse than spiders on your piano?
Crabs on your organ!
I have a Twin Towers model in my room.
It got infested with jumping spiders.
What type of cartoon do spiders like to watch the most?
Web Cartoons!
What do you call Miles Morales Spider-Man from Europe?
Kilometers Morales.
A poor person came up to me and said, "You're ugly." I said, "You remind me of Spider-Man: No Way Home."
What did mommy spider say to baby spider?
You spend too much time on the web.
Why don’t spiders go back to school?
Because they learn everything on the web.
Why is an orpan favourite movie 🍿 spider man no way home
What do you call an octopus on land?
A spider, duh!
What do orphans like to watch? Spider-Man: Homecoming.
An orphan comes up to me and says, "You're ugly." I said, "You remind me of Spider-Man: No Way Home."
What did Daveon say when he saw a spider? "I'm Dave-on with this!"
Why'd the alternate universe Spider-Man do so well on his driving test? He's an excellent parallel Parker.
What’s worse than spiders on your piano?
Craps on your organ.