Someone Jokes

number 15 burger king foot lettuce the last thing you want in your Berger king Berger is someones foot fungus but as it turns out that might be what you get.


Someone came to me and said “your dad is gay”. I just said “wait. You know where my dad is? Please tell me!”

There's nothing quite like being told I'm wrong by someone who depends on me for food, clothing, and shelter.

So my mom was talking to me and told me to go to the store so when I get there,there’s a sign but then someone tells me that’s just someone with a ginormous forehead

Not a joke, but this needs saying. Please can someone do something about all the pedo posts on here. It’s honestly just nasty

The best way to tell someone that you don't like them is by texting them 370HSSV 0773H and tell them to read it upside down.

What happens when an orphan is told that someone had found their parents? They cry... They scream.. with joy "Oh wait, no, that wasn't your parents" Orphan grabs a knife out of the kitchen, lets just say, the orphan didnt live to tell the tail...