What did one slave owner say to the other slave owner when he couldn’t find his slave?
Don’t worry, I’ll rope him in.
What did one slave owner say to the other slave owner when he couldn’t find his slave?
Don’t worry, I’ll rope him in.
What do you call a house party for slaves?
An auction house.
What does a pregnant slave and a payless sale have in common?
Buy one, get one free.
What's the difference between a Mexican and a Black person? One gets paid, the other got enslaved.
As I am from South Carolina, I just thought about something Jefferson Davis would have thought about:
"Them slaves taking credit for everything."
Why was the slave so happy? Because he got his master's degree.
What was the most useful tool in the 17th century?
If they made a movie about your sex life, what would it be?
In Afghanistan, it would be "Twelve Years a Slave!" 🤣
What did the slaves say when they met their soon-to-be masters?
"Aaah, a ghost!"
Unbelievable! When I searched “house of spades,” all I saw was a slave home!
What the difference between a set slave and a goat?
I don't have a sex slave in my basement...
Bick: Jesus isn't real.
Ron: Yes, He is.
Bick: Prove it, bitch.
Ron: Cussing is a sin. Open the curtains.
Bick: Wh-?
The sunlight shone through the window, landing on Ron and Bick. Both of them died and went to hell.
Ron: Fuck you, Jesus.
Bick: Told you Jesus was real.
Satan: Get to work, slaves.
Moral of the story: Stay off the marijuana.
What's the difference between a goat and a sex slave? I dont have a slave in my sex dungeon.
Why buy a pregnant slave over a normal slave? Buy 1 get 1 free. 😂😂😂😂