
Rudeness Jokes

What's the difference between a southern zoo and northern zoo? A southern zoo has a description of the animal on the front of the cage, along with a recipe.

What did the knight say to his younger brother? "Good night."

You expected a silly pun there, didn't you? That's pretty rude. It makes light of the struggles of being a knight. Especially a good knight.

The person I hate. Omg my mom and dad just died. Me. Omg I am so sorry dount worry. The person I hate. I have a boyfriend. Me well I have a mom and dad. The person I hate. Rood. Me. Shut up.

Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone)

Caller: "Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?"

Operator: "Yes, you can speak to me."

Caller: "No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!"

Operator: "You are talking to someone! Who is this?"

Caller: "I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent."

Operator: "I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?"

Caller: "Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one) was involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one) got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital."

Operator: "Look, if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious, but I don't have time for this!"

Caller: "You are so rude! Who are you?"

Operator: "I'm Saw Lee (Sorry)."

Caller: "Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!"

My mom: "Dear, I don't know why your grandma is spending more time with her friend carla, can you spy on her?"

Me: "Your mom gay lol"

My mom: "Don't talk about your grandma like that you rude girl"

You: "Your mom gay lol"

What is the best Christmas present ever? A broken drum! You just can't beat it! What do you call an angry reindeer? RUDE-olph! What is Santa's favourite breakfast? SnowFLAKES! What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsel-itis!

Me having a good day Going on a walk on a peaceful day* my depression: hey whats up! Me: go away. My depression: well how rude. Me: 🙄. My depression: remeber that one tim...... Me: no, dont even. My depression: that we..... Me: nope. My deprssion: *says really fast*:said that one stupid joke that wasnt funny and everybody just stared at you, and then you spilt water all over yourself and it looked like you peed yourself. And you went home and cried yourself to sleep just like yoy do every single night. Me: 😳😶😟. My depression: 😉 dont worry I'll always be here for you.

As a fellow emo i find these very rude and disrespectful plz take off or i tell mom.

Also, if anyone knows any high bridges nearby please tell me (I'm asking for a friend)

P.S. I have no friends