Why did the squirrel do the backstroke?
He wanted to keep his nuts dry.
What do rats like on their birthday? Mice cream and cake.
What do mice eat for dinner?
Mac n Cheese.
How are a mouse and a bale of hay alike?
The cat'll eat it (the cattle eat it).
Why did the chipmunk swim on its back?
To keep its nuts dry.
This rat did the most amazing thing ever; it was pretty radical, dude.
Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock
He finally got up there, but a bird stole his co-
How many squirrels does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Two, but how they got in there's the real mystery!
Doc: Can I help you?
Girl: Doctor, I have pain in my heart.
Doc: When did it begin?
Girl: Right now (seeing him like a doll).
Doc: Hh...do you like me? I know I am handsome...
Girl: No, don’t get me wrong. You just look like someone I know.
Doc: Who is that? Is your boyfriend?
Girl: No, it’s my pet (rabbit), his name is Rokie.