A priest, a rapist, a pedophile, and a homosexual walk into a bar.
He orders a drink.
A priest, a rapist, a pedophile, and a homosexual walk into a bar.
He orders a drink.
The joke plays on the expectation that a group of people with distinct, often controversial or negative, labels would have a more complex interaction. Instead, they are treated as a single entity, 'he,' and the punchline is anticlimactic with the very common action of 'ordering a drink'. This subverts the setup and creates an absurd situation, highlighting the shock value from the initial group setup.
The joke would make grammatical sense if "walk" was replaced with "walks."
@Shalev No that is not correct
Best would actually be "walked" and "ordered". "Walked" can come after both "he" and "they".
Listen to Dong so your grammar's not wrong. Mnemonics.
Would be funnier without the homosexual slur.
A priest, a rapist, and a pedophile walk into a bar. He orders a drink.
Muh Feelz
The fuck outta here with that weak shit Jarjarbinks. If your fee fees can't handle an offensive joke maybe you should go surf on Nickelodeon, muppet.
Donald Trump
the joke doesn't work with the homosexual. comedy works in threes. also, comedy is about economy of language. homosexual is five syllables. does the joke work without those five extra syllables? yes, it does. lose the five extra syllables, then the joke has more punch.
Dr. Grammar
Fuck¿ Grammar.
can someone explain
A Penis
lol nice
i dont get it lol
Ur mom
I really don’t get it can someone explain
This is like a joke that I saw on tik tok lmaooo, I hate christians
Billy With A Big...
@Ur mom it basically means that the rapist, priest, pedophile and homosexual are all just one person. Basically meaning that he is 4 things in one
And that is just the first person!
Homophobic, don’t lump me in asshole!
The Twin Towers
@Bushra lol am not from any religion but it sounds funny when a religious person hates another one like em. Maybe Muslims love Ariana Grande as much as they love the twin towers.
sad lesbian
i think itd be funny without the homophobia pls dont associate gay ppl with derranged crimes