
Question Jokes

A FED EX plane was carrying 375 fridges across Africa but the cargo door wasn't shut properly but only 218 reached the desired destination. The rest landed in a remote village. How many fell out the plane?

Time's up! You took too long you only had 4 seconds to answer it.

How do you put an elephant into the fridge that pushed out the cargo door?

Open the fridge, put the elephant in and close the door.

How do you put a giraffe into the fridge?

Open the fridge, take out the elephant. Then put in the giraffe and close the door.

Why did sally fall off the swing?

Because she got hit by the other 156 refrigerators.

How did she survive?

Her idiot mother tried to pull her out and accidentally ripped both her arms off. But she was rescued 8 minutes later.

What does pussy taste like in chocolate cream pie? Don't ever ask me no damn question like that I ain't never had no damn chocolate cream pie you crazy?

Question; What is the BIG ADVANTAGE to going out on a date with a "Homeless Chic"? Answer; After the date, you can "Drop Her Off" ANYWHERE!

So I went to a church and I ask a friend is the picture on the wail is Jesus and dose it have three nails or one nails Oh Wait that not Jesus he is not doing the T pose that he invited

what is one question on a tech test you should always ask before getting down? What in the Robot!?

My son asked me “ what is angel cake made of?” I reply by listing the ingredients in mr Kipling angel cakes, Then he shouts “STOP” I stop as I reach food colourings he slowly crawls towards me and says in a whisper “well in my angel cake I put angels in them” I freaked out about this so I calmed down and asked who did you put in this angel cake he said”grandma the one who died last Saturday”

hi i have a question for you

did u know that reading this is wasting your time? yeh sorry xD

5 knock knock jokes from best to corny

1.Knock! Knock! Who's there? Needle. Needle who? Needle little help getting in the door. 2.Knock! Knock! Who's there? Scold. Scold who? Scold outside, let me in! 3. Knock! Knock! Who's there? Mikey. Mikey who? Mikey isn't working, can you let me in? 4.Knock! Knock! Who's there? Says. Says who? Says me, that's who! 5.Knock! Knock! Who's there? Voodoo. Voodoo who? Voodoo you think you are, asking all these questions?

3 men go to hell, Satan says if you can question me and I can't answer you go to heaven. The first man asks if Satan knew how to make computers he goes to hell, the next man asks if he knew how to make furniture he goes too, the third man poke a ton of holes in a bottle cap and farts in the bottle asks Satan where the fart came from. Satan said every possible answer and the man pointed to his butthole and said " nope this one "😂

My question is how fat people fit in tuxedoes, honestly don’t wear those wear ur regular clothes, ur belly is just gonna pop out

Jefferey Dahmer asked his husband a question

His husband said, whats your question?

Jefferey Dahmer said, "You want to know what is my favorite type of tree?"

His husband said "Yes?"

Jefferey said, "Morning Wood, now take off your pants"

What say the child to the man? Shalom Man come later give the child: Here what you ask for! Child: Noo sir I say Shabbat Shalom I not ask for Salmon!!!! Man: It may be the coin in me ear hard to hear