Question for Gwen
Explain Bear
Listen here, Addison Banks. You think you're funny, huh? News flash: You're 8. Your brain ain't even fully baked yet. The joke's so short it's practically nonexistent. All you did was ask a question. I bet you still think boogers are a delicacy. Go back to playing with your Lego and leave the comedy to the professionals. Based bear, out!
Addison Banks age (8)
Hi Zreina. Pleased to meet you. Remember we chatted a bit on one of the jokes. I forgot which one, but I think it was Ariana Grande's jokes. Just wanted to say hi!
Addison Banks age (8)
Also that's Addison. Really nice to meet you!
Hello Addison. I'm also happy, you're also a smart kid, huh? I also. I am 6 years old. I was in first grade, but I was supposed to be in second grade.
I was reviewing Gwen's post made by her haters and started commenting. Note to myself, I was an enemy, but then I changed. Anyway, how are you today?
Addison Banks age (8)
Feeling lucky, I really wasn't, but today is my mom's birthday. And you?
Well. I just woke up with a BIG smile on my face, smiling and happy to be in the arms of God, seeing that the world has every day was just the first to start.
Addison Banks age (8)
The same for me too.
Addison Banks age (8)
I hope I'm not being mean or rude, but I have to go study for my math test. It's this Monday and my mom says if I don't make it to fifth grade she WILL KILL me. But not literally.
I just wanted to say hi and see how things were going.
Addison Banks age (8)
Okay will have an amazing day then!
Addison Banks age (8)
Zreina, if you're not busy, would you mind talking a bit? If not, then it's perfectly fine with me.
Sure. I'm not very busy. My mom and I went to the store for some food. No problem, we can chat for a bit.
Addison Banks age (8)
Cool! I don't normally do comics, but can you see some of the things I wrote? I need to go do some, sorry for not being prepared.
It's totally cool! I can wait. I'll scan the net for a second or until you're done.
Addison Banks age (8)
Okay, cool!
Hello Gwen! 🌹
Addison Banks age (8)
Addison Banks age (8)
Addison Banks Age (9)
Zreina, there is a boy who does not leave me alone as I asked. "Zre"
Why not? What happened???
Addison Banks age (9)
He kept bothering even though I never even said anything to him!
Then he's a bully.
Addison Banks age (9)
I know, but I keep asking him to stop but he won't!!!!!!
Ummm...sorry my mom calling.
Sorry, I think you should ignore the fact that he's being mean for no reason.
Addison Banks Age (9)
Thanks, Zre.