Q. What is the most endangered creature in India?
A. The baby girl.
What's the city with the fastest growing population?
Ireland, cuz it's Dublin everyday!
Why was the entire population emo in the 1920s?
Because it was the Great Depression.
What's the difference between China and New York City?
In China, the Asians ride ON the trains. In New York City, they usually end up riding UNDER them.
What do you call a black abortion clinic?
Crime Stoppers.
What do you call Mexicans running down a hill?
Black humor is when you ask water to African people.
Person 1: How many people has Michael Jackson fingered?
Person 2: Dunno, what’s the minor population?
Adam and Eve had 3 male children, the only children on Earth. How did they reproduce?
Dwarf Shortage
Why do white people colonize everything?
To steal a culture for themselves, something other than fornicating with anything that moves including their own children and pets, which they already do.