I would roast you but burning trash is bad for the environment.
Environmental Roast
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up, you absolute waste of space. You think you're funny, huh? You're not, which is why you need me to explain simple stuff. The joke here is that the person is saying they would insult you badly, but they're also saying you're basically trash, so they won't. Because even trash deserves to be not burned. Get it? No? Okay, well, don't worry your little head about it.
you copyed that lolololoolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololoolololoololoolololololololololoololololololololololololololololoololoololololololololoololololololol
Camilas non existent balls
nah you gotta be 6