I can't believe this!!
pizza is round and it comes in a square box, and you cut it into a triangle.
What’s micheal Jackson’s favorite pizza topping pepperon-he-he
What is the difference between the twin towers and the leaning tower of pizza? one held it’s balance the other two fell
What's the difference between a pizza and a guy you really hate? One won't scream when you remove their meat
I dont understand why the twin towers were super upset there pizza just got there alot faster by plane
Someone ordered pizza on a tower... A plane came
Two people wanted pepperoni pizza.....Sadly, they got planes
Why did the chicken cross the towers
Because he he ordered a plane pizza and didn’t get to the other side
Why were the twon towers mad? Because they ordered three peperoni pizzas and one came plane, the ither came late, and the lther one went to the wrong address.
This guy walked into a pizzeria and ordered a water. The owner called him an idiot.
His girlfriend walked in and ordered a pineapple pizza.
The guy left her and the owner made her leave.
some one when thought the fly thought for pizza
We’ve got to celebrate our differences 👻🤝🐵🤝🍚🤝🌮🤝💣🤝🏳️🌈🤝🍔🤝🥖🤝🍕
Why were the world trade center so Mad because They ordered 3 pizzas but 2 came in plane and 1 went to the wrong address
I traded my sister for a slice of pizza damn that pizza was good
What’s the twin towers favorite kind of pizza A:Plain
Why the twin towers are mad
They ar like pepeporonie and cheese as a plane