
Novel Jokes

My initials are K.M.C

Which could also stand for Kill Main Character.

Which I am planning to do in this book I’m writing.

I’m writing an autobiography.

Which Book takes an extreme turn and has an incredible Plot Twist?

-The math Book📘🔢. Suddenly letters 🔠 appear in the calculations...

Me: Mom, should I kill the main character in the book I'm writing to make things more interesting?

Mom: Sure, honey! What type of book are you writing?

Me: It's an autobiography.

Whats the difference between an orphan and a second hand book?

The second hand book was loved once..

A man went to the library and asked for a book about suicide. The librarian said go away you won’t bring it back


Husband: Hey, my dear, this lunch is great. Where did you find the reciepe?

In a detective novel.

Man 1: I-I ran my mom over to get a stupid book. Man 2: aww books aren't that bad. I'm sure she thinks you're a great son considering she can't drive anymore. Man 1: She was in the road and I was rushing to get the last copy of this book. She can't drive or do anything anymore