
Name Jokes

A girl named Rebecca was friends with a guy called fi. One day Fi hit Rebecca and Rebecca lost service. Rebecca said to Fi "Why-Fi"

A father and son duo are sitting at a table, eating breakfast. The father looks at the child and says "I'm hungry" The child looks at the father and replies "Hi hungry, I'm son" the father calls his father and asks why he was named Hungry.

My pregnate wife said we were gonna name the kid digorno. She wouldn't tell me why until she got an abortion and told me its not delivery its digiorno.


What do you call a dog with no legs?? cant call it anything. It won't vome to you

What is another name πŸ€” for Holy water πŸ’§ πŸ’§πŸ’§ πŸ’§πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ πŸ’§ 🚽 toilet water

What should you name a dog without any legs? It doesn't really matter. No matter what you yell he's not coming.

I have an account at the website Memedroid.

My name is J0K35FromWJE

Feel free to follow me, and I WILL upload to Memedroid ( I might not upload daily)

I will still make jokes here jlyk (just letting you know)

Ok heres ur joke now.....

What did one pizza say to the other when they were in bed?

Can I have a PIZZA that ass?