Knock, knock. Who's there? Susan. Susan who? Season your chicken, it's too plain!
Why are the twin towers mad?
They ordered pepperoni pizza, but all they got was plain.
On 9/11, the Twin Towers ordered 3 pepperoni pizzas. One came in plain, the other came in late, the third went to the wrong address.
What kind of bagel can fly?
A plain.
What were the twin towers plains?
God's playing Jenga.
What is a tower's favorite bagel? I don't know, but it sure as hell ain't plain.
Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because when they spawned in a Minecraft world, all they got was plains.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
Guys, we should not make fun of 9/11. Like, that stuff is just plain out crazy. Like, you all should not let that fly.
I ordered a pizza with everything on it, but I got a plain pizza.
Q: What did the terrorist say during a plane flight? A: “Wow! This flight is the bomb!”
What did one plane say to the other let’s fly
Why didn’t twin towers like there pizza
Cause it was plain
I took a plain to go see my hairline.
the man fired from the world trade center on september 10
that is just plain wrong
What’s the twin towers favorite kind of pizza A:Plain
What was the last pizza order at the world trade center?
Two Large Plaines
One day my sister was making hotdogs. My sister ask me if I want some I said no then my sister ask my friend, and he always said no. Then my sister said I have to eat it plain with no flavor we have no ketchup, mustard or onions. My friend said I got something to give it flavor my sister ok. My sister left the kitchen to get something. I ask my friend what are you going to do then he took the hotdog bread open it and run is penis all around, and put some white cream that came out of his penis. I put the hotdogs on the bread then my sister came back My sister came back put hotdogs on the hotdog bread. I told my sister the hotdogs are ready she ate them I ask how was the hotdogs. My sister said I don’t know what flavor is this, but it is very tasty.
Why were twin towers mad that there food wasn’t good enough
Because they got plain
What did the twin towers say to the plain ?