Pete: Knock Knock... Paul: Who's there? Pete: Boo... Paul: Boo who? Pete: Don't cry it was only a joke! Paul: I'm going to cry! It was such a bad joke!!!
Knock knock natyourcheese
knock knock whos there daisy daisy who daisy me rollinnnnnn
knock knock who's there olive olive who I love you
Knock knock Who's there? Knock knock Knock knock who? I'll knock knock you out if you don't stop.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Theodore who?
Theodore is locked, that is why I knocked.
bob has no arms knock knock, whos there, its not bob.
Knock knock Who’s there Goliath Goliath who I need to Goliath down and sleep!
Knock knock Who’s there Cabbage Cabbage who Cabbage doesn’t have a last name.
Knock knock who’s there Utah Utah who Utah talking to me
knock knock whose there ruff ruff ruff ruff who let the dogs out
The bears came home daddy bear said who's been leading my porridge said who's been in my porch baby bear said never mind about the porridge who knocked the telly
Knock nock
Knock knock Who’s there Broccoli Broccoli who Broccoli hasn’t got a surname!
Knock knock Who’s there ? Anita Anita who ? Anita poo let me in
me:knock knock friend:whos there me:impation feminest friend:impati-- me:why dont we have equal pay YETTTTTTT
why did the chickin crosse the road? to get to the gay guys house nock nock whos ther chickin
"knock knock?" "who's there?" "Depression" "Depression wh-" ME!! *runs away*
Knock knock Who's there Orange Orange who Orange you glad I didn't make a 9/11 joke