Mom! Mom! My classmates called me an orphan! -
Me:what’s that girls name from phinease and ferb the sister Crush:candice Me:candice dick fit in your mouth Crush: slaps me Walks away
So a girl says your so ugly to me and she says “I’m the prettiest girl” I say “yea a pretty girl for a ogre 👹”
At school this gurl was like u ugly and I'm like gurl ur mirror cracks the moment u step in front of it
What do you call a pissed off midget?
A micro-aggression
If I called you gay you would probably hit me with your purse
your foreheads so big even barry wood sayed wow thats huge
Your hairline is so bad, when people see the back of your head they say "nice beard"
What do you call an anorexic bitch with a yeast infection A quarter pounder with cheese
When someone calls me ugly, I get sad and hug them.
I know life can be difficult for those with weak vision. );
Ur forehead is so big that it said to be continued
bully: i can't understand you because i dont speak ugly language me: and i dont speak idiot language
i went to an emo kid who just got a hair cut and instead of saying, like your cut g" and i slapped his arm and said i like your cuts g
What do you call people from Paris?
My mom told me ̈YOU SON OF A B!TCH. ̈ i told her ̈i may be a son of a b!ch butat least i am not the bitch ̈. she hated me forever.
Roses are red Violets are blue God made me pretty WHAT THE FRICK HAPPENED TO YOU
My girlfriend called me a bot in fortnite, so I called her sandwich maker 3000
You have such a big forhead it has a 6 pack on it,
Bully: i wasn't talking to you. me: then why are you listening?
I’d roast you but your mirror does that for me everyday